Tuesday, March 3, 2015

4 Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

Belly fat, also known as the unhealthy fat on our bodies. It affects our overall health, appearance and also our hearts How do we get rid of it? Well today I am sharing a few methods for effectively reducing belly fat.
Easy and effective ways to reduce belly fat : Wiki health Blog
Easy and effective ways to reduce belly fat : Wiki health Blog
Other people are reading : Tips to Leave Your Diet

Eating fast 

We all deal with a fast paced life. So many tend to eat very fast. But that is very wrong. That's not how its supposed to be. When you eat too fast. You don't really chew. The result of too fast eating is food pieces that isn't chewed properly waits and sits to be digested. Leading to being misguided on the amount of food you have eaten already.Result is overeating. So remember to enjoy your food. Taste it. Eat slower.


We all love soda. It feel so nice and refreshing. But the fact is. It's not healthy good or refreshing. It is extremely high with sugars. Artificial sweetened soda's is actually worse because it cant be digested.

So if you want to have sodas use ice cubes that way you drink less soda and have water. Or cut down on soda intake.

Packaged food:

Many of us rely on fast and quick meals. So we tend to go for foods that is high in sodium. Packaged goods is very high in sodium. Filled with preservatives. Processed and packed for convenient use. Yes your favorite brand of chips is included. Also some cereals soups and salad dressings. Makes us want to read the label before we buy. 

Consider healthier foods like fruits, vegetables and grains. It is naturally low in sodium.
Snacking or eating before going to bed. Many eat at least an hour or two before going to bed. If you eat within an hour before going to bed. You will wake with a bigger belly.Remember that when we lie down we affect digestion of foods. Also our bodies use less energy when we sleep.

If you feel like eating before going to bed. Have a piece of fruit. Or have some yogurt. But the best choice is to eat 3 to 4 hours before going to bed.

Food allergies:

Some food allergies mean belly expansion. Example. if you are have a food allergy to wheat. Your body cant digest gluten which means that bloating and belly expansion occurs. It includes those who are lactose intolerant.

If you think you have a food allergy it is advisable to see your doctor to have a test to know what foods you should avoid.

These are all healthier ways of getting rid of the bulge. But always remember you are what you eat. The food becomes part of you.