Monday, January 22, 2018

Why Should Women Exercise After 40?

Are you a super-working mom? Have you won praise and awards in your career? Do your family also heap praises on you as a “Wonder Woman?” Great. Congratulations. But how is your health? Are you crossing the golden age line of forty years?

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Why Should Women Exercise After 40?: WikiHealthBlog
Why Should Women Exercise After 40?: WikiHealthBlog
IF yes, then have a look at the points mentioned below –

•    Have your waist lines expanded, even though you are careful with the diet?

•    Do you face a change in your metabolism rate? Has it become low?

•    You face pain in the joints. You are afraid that the situation might lead to osteoporosis.

It is a myth that Indian women never exercised in the good old times. Imagine a situation when you have to cook food for more than twenty people. The electricity has failed in your house, and so no microwave oven, grinders etc. All the work has to be done manually. So, imagine the time taken to prepare the dishes. Your ancestors were in the best of health as they did manual work.

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Cut to the present, there are a lot of electronic appliances which complete 70 percent of the cooking jobs. And these appliances are needed in this fast paced era where the husband and wife both go for work. So, you have the microwave oven, refrigerator, mixer grinder etc.

But in recent times, if you are a working woman professional, you do not get time to work-out. Even for housewives above 40, you face multiple challenges. You have to take care of your grown-up children, pack their lunch and prepare food for dinner. And there are multiple myths to deal with in the era of exercises. The most popular myth is to lose weight and have a lean structure, it is mandatory to do the cardiovascular exercises.

Why Should You Exercise After Crossing 40?

Why Should Women Exercise After 40?: WIkihealthBlog

1.    Muscle Mass

As you near the age of forty, there will be a natural decline in muscle mass. Although men face similar situations, the muscle loss is more in women. The main reason, women do not do exercise to strengthen their muscles. You do any workout, such as joining a martial arts class such as Aiki Jujitsu, running, jogging as per the requirements of your body. You can make your waist look always thinner and gain stronger muscles.

The other benefits are – you can enjoy your life. You will have more stamina to play with your kids, to pick items and complete the other daily activities quickly.

2.  Metabolism

Do you face problems in digestion? You find challenges in consuming recipes as you did in the 20s and 30s. The result – weight gain.

If you are in a similar situation, take the initiative to do at least thirty minutes of physical exercise. Your body is getting older and not the muscles. In fact, at the 40’s it will be active. The more muscle you build, more calories are burned. However, take the advice of the physician before you make the initiative.

3. Bone Density Loss

Similar to metabolism, you also lose the density in your bones. This situation puts you at risk of bone fractures. Negative feelings limit your potential and very soon, your body may become prone to simple illnesses such as cough and cold.

4. Sleep

Indigestion leads to health problems. Health problems may lead to disturbances in the family as you will be ill-equipped to face a situation. Result – loss of sleep. Medical studies have proved that physical exercise improves digestion and promote positive moods. Result – Good quality sleep.

5. Body Image

There may be numerous reasons for you to do exercise. But the best motivational factor will be the same. Better physical appearance. Exercises can make you look leaner, toned and stronger. By focusing less on diet and more on exercise, you will get a nice physical appearance.

6. Energy

When was the last time, your hubby wanted to call a party in your home for his friends? He cancelled, because you did not show interest. You respect your hubby’s friends, but at the specific situation, you did not have energy and enthusiasm. With regular exercise, your energy levels will increase. You can entertain parties every day.

7. Sex Drive

Many women, on the verge of 40 complain of not having the same sex drive as they did in the 20s and 30s. Exercise enhances quality of sleep, self-confidence and also energy levels. It also increases the hormone that can significantly boost the sex drive.


All said and done. The most important factor will be – women above 40 become easily prone to breast/ovarian cancer. It has been proved that exercise does reduce the possibility of women over 40, getting affected with breast cancer.

Are you working in a start-up in Hyderabad? Does your company offer skilled electricians of Hyderabad right at the customer’s doorstep? Then you rarely get time for physical exercise. However, if you are not able to exercise on the weekdays, consider going for a 5 km jog on the weekends, Sunday and Saturday.

Remember, if you are avoiding exercise, you are missing out on the best ways to stay in perfect health. The more strong and lean mass you build, the happier you will be in the later stages of life.

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