Thursday, December 21, 2017

Importance of Safe Drinking Water

Water is an essential nutrient for the human body. Our body has harmful chemicals, and water is a natural detoxifier. Water is the primal component of our body. It delivers oxygen all over the body, flushes body waste, regulates body temperature and lubricates joints.

Importance of Safe Drinking Water: Wiki Health Blog
Importance of Safe Drinking Water: Wiki Health Blog

It also helps our brain to manufacture hormones and acts as shock absorber.

We need to drink a plenty of pure water in order to avoid dehydration. As our body loses water in various activities and we need to maintain a perfect balance. Water is life. Without water, we can’t survive for long.

Few benefits of drinking pure water

Drinking water must be pure. There are a number of people dying every year due to water-borne diseases in many countries. It is a huge challenge to get access to pure drinking water. Pure water is scarce, but there are many benefits of drinking pure water.

Read More: Why you should drink flavored water

Better Digestion - 

Pure water help in better digestion. Water makes saliva in our body that helps in proper digestion. A poor digestion leads to many serious problems diarrhea, constipation and many more.

Healthier Skin - 

Water is a natural detoxifier, and it keeps the skin moisturized. By drinking a plenty of pure water daily the chances of wrinkles and other skin ailments reduces.

Boost Energy - 

Pure drinking water regulates the temperature of our body. It helps in proper functioning of brain and bones. It also acts as lubricants for joints. Pure water intake enables muscles to work harder. Overall, water is a complete energy booster.

Balance the processes of the body - Water not only balances the temperature of our body it does maintain a balance of nutrients. Water acts as a transport mode for delivering necessary nutrient to the body. It regulates the pH balance of the body.

Pure drinking water is the foundation of the overall development of a human body. But the availability of pure drinking water is quite rare. The quality and purity of drinking water at the household level is directly affected by its distribution methods. The groundwater also suffered from many pollutants. The water must be purified by using natural processes or faucet water filters.

The faucet water filter is the most convenient and easiest method to purify drinking water. The faucet water filter is very easy to install and rather inexpensive method to get safe water.

You might wonder now how to choose the faucet water filter for your kitchen as there are a plenty of options available in the market. The best faucet water filter for you should be user-friendly, inexpensive and one that provides consistent service. It should be compatible with standard faucets, easy to remove and replace.

To get all the health benefits and good taste of water, all you need is to install the best faucet water filter.


Contaminated Water causes severe health problems. Dehydration can badly affect the blood pressure that results in weakness, high blood pressure, and diabetes. So the use of the best faucet water filter is a must.

Pure drinking water is a key to keep your body fit and to detoxify naturally. So keep a pure water bottle always with you wherever you go.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Top Tips For Hidradenitis Suppurativa Natural Treatment

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is not a rare disease. The common symptoms are inflammation, swelling, and infection in some areas such as armpit, groin, buttocks, and breast. These affected areas can develop into an abscess.

Top Tips For Hidradenitis Suppurativa Natural Treatment: eAskme
Top Tips For Hidradenitis Suppurativa Natural Treatment: eAskme
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The disease usually begins after the age of puberty and may relapse. If this disease is not treated timely, the swollen areas will change into chronic scars and cause skin infection (cellulitis). You can read this article to learn more about hidradenitis suppurativa natural treatment.

What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a chronic disease that is often diagnosed as the disease related to folliculitis.

This is not a contagious disease and has swelling, pain, and pus. Hidradenitis Suppurativa is more common in women than men. Blisters usually appear in the armpits, groin, buttocks, around the chest or inside your thighs.

What are Causes of Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

In reality, quite a few people have little awareness of hidradenitis suppurativa. Sometimes, the blisters associated with the disease are mistaken for the infectious diseases caused by bacteria or sexually transmitted diseases.

However, hidradenitis suppurativa is due to neither the poor hygiene nor a sexually transmitted disease. The disease starts in the areas that the sweat gland gives off an unpleasant smell. Along with folliculitis, they create greasy sweat. The patients with the disease usually have blisters in the specific locations.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is unpredictable. Sometimes, the state of stress, the illness or a poor diet also leads to the disease. Furthermore, the disease becomes extremely severe when women have a period.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Natural Treatment

Use a warm Compress

You are advised to put a warm compress on blisters to reduce the swelling and the pain. You need to note that you are not allowed to apply a wet compress to the affected areas. To improve the state, you have to take a dry compress.

You can follow these simple steps:
  •     Pour hot water into a glass bottle
  •     Use a piece of cloth to cover the bottle
  •     Apply the warm compress to the irritated skin and keep it for 10 minutes
  •     Do that several times a day if necessary
This method is not recommended for pregnant women, diabetics and those who have high blood pressure.

Don’t let the affected skin wet

Your disease will become worse if the skin is not kept dry. In other words, it is necessary to keep your affected area far from moisture.

It is suggested to take the steps below:
  •     Use warm water and the soap with the property of killing bacteria several times per day
  •     After that, dry the affected skin and quickly put antibiotic powder to these areas to absorb sweat.
  •     Have a shower every day and regularly change your underclothes as well
  •     For the next step, use loo paper to wipe the affected body part
  •     Take some advice on the kind of usable antiperspirant from a doctor because using inappropriate deodorants may cause skin irritation.
  •     Keep away from some activities that can wet your skin, for example, swimming.
Note that you should not let your skin too dry. It is the best to balance the skin moisture.

Take a bleach bath

To control the symptoms of Hidradenitis Suppurativa, you can try taking a bleach bath. However, it is important to take advice from a doctor before following this way.
  •     Pour one-third of teaspoon of bleach into your bath
  •     Before bathing in the water, please stir it thoroughly. You should spend 15 minutes to soak in the bath
  •     After that, wash the body with clean water, then use a towel to dry your body.


Turmeric is regarded as one of the greatest home remedies for treating hidradenitis suppurativa. With the antiseptic property, turmeric can support you to recover from the swelling and other injuries. Besides, turmeric has the anti-inflammatory characteristic that also contributes to relieving a lot of symptoms of the disease.

In fact, there are several ways to take turmeric into your body. While many people choose to drink turmeric capsules (usually take two to four capsules for twice or three times every day), some others blend turmeric powder with water to drink three times per day. In addition, you can try the mixture of turmeric powder and yogurt which creates a quite pleasant taste.

Following are the detailed instructions for various methods of healing hidradenitis suppurativa with turmeric.

Method 1:
You creates a mixture of turmeric and olive oil, then put this paste to the affected areas. Half an hour later, you wash the skin. Your disease will quickly heal if you do that once or twice every day and maintain this for several weeks.

Method 2:
You take turmeric powder, honey and apple cider vinegar in the proportion 1:1:2 to put into warm water. You should drink it twice to three times per day.

Third method: You pour hot milk into a glass, then add one tablespoon of turmeric. You are suggested to drink it twice per day.

If you take capsules, it is necessary to ask the doctor to give you a prescription. You are not allowed to exceed the recommended dosage.

Tea Tree Oil 

With the antibiotic and antifungal properties, tea tree oil is regarded as a useful home remedy for hidradenitis suppurativa.

Undiluted tea tree oil is not encouraged to use for treating the disease.

Follow the steps below if using tea tree oil as a hidradenitis suppurativa natural treatment:
  •     Blend tea tree oil and olive oil (or coconut oil) together
  •     Put the mixture to the skin with hidradenitis suppurativa, keep it for 15 minutes before using warm water to wash it
  •     Dry the skin with a towel
  •     Do that twice a day

Aloe vera

Another hidradenitis suppurativa natural treatment is making the most of aloe vera, which contains important characteristics such as the ability to kill bacteria and fight against inflammation.
  •     Cut an aloe vera leaf and extract the aloe vera gel from the leaf
  •     Rub the aloe vera gel to the affected skin so that it can be absorbed into the skin
  •     Wait for the skin to get dry
  •     Do that twice or three times per day
Other suggestions on reducing the symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa

Change the diet

  •     Supplement your diet with fruits and vegetables
  •     Enhance the consumption of organic meats
  •     Avoid eating some food like flour, chocolate, and caffeine
  •     Reduce the consumption of sugar and processed food
In reality, a change to a healthy diet also has a considerable contribution to relieving the symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa.

Adjust the way of dressing

Wearing loose clothes can control the pain and avoid the rub of the clothes to the skin. If you continue to wear the type of dress molded the body when having hidradenitis suppurativa, you will aggravate the illness.

Change the way of living

In addition, the change of lifestyle has some effects on the development of the disease. Accordingly, it is necessary to give up bad habits and develop good habits so that the condition will get better.
  •     Say “no” to alcoholic drinks
  •     Give up smoking
  •     Take some exercise
  •     Spend time taking a rest
With the suggestions on hidradenitis suppurativa natural treatment above, hope that you can quickly recover from the disease. Besides using home remedies, you should consult a doctor to be offered a suitable method for healing hidradenitis suppurativa.

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Friday, December 15, 2017

Top Natural Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is known as a common sleeping disorder when the breathing of a person is interrupted or stopped while he is sleeping. This problem can least in for about 10 seconds or even more and repeat many times per night.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is triggered by narrowed or blocked airways in the nose, throat or mouth. It can happen as the brain does not succeed in transmitting the signals to the breathing muscles.

Top Natural Remedies for Sleep Apnea: WikiHealthBlog
Top Natural Remedies for Sleep Apnea: WikiHealthBlog
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Under a report issued by The National Sleep Foundation, this problem can impact over 18 million Americans.

This sleep apnea affects every one, consisting of children, Nevertheless, it has a more negative effect on males than females, including African-America as well as Hispanic males.

Another factors include:

  •     Being older more than 60 years old
  •     Thick neck
  •     Obesity
  •     Heart Disease
  •     Narrow throat
  •     Daily consumption of alcohol
  •     Excess smoking
  •     Nasal congestion

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is composed of different symptoms. They are excessive sleepiness, lack of sleep, breathing cessation when you are sleeping, dry mouth, insomnia, attention issues or loud snoring.
If remained untreated, this problem can trigger many other health-related problems, such as heart diseases, stroke, depression and high blood pressure. Therefore, when you suffer from sleep apnea, you should have it treated right away. Besides some conventional treatments, you had better apply home remedies combined with lifestyle changes to help ease its symptoms.
Following are top home remedies for sleep apnea.

1. Honey

Honey is one of the most powerful home remedies for sleep apnea. The reason comes from its package of anti-inflammatory effects that aid in reducing swelling surrounding your throat obstructing the air ways. Also, honey can lubricate your throat, hence, preventing the snoring , which is known as among popular symptoms of sleep apnea.

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Take a note that honey can help promote relaxation and sleeping. It assists in managing your healthy body weight, thereby preventing obesity. You should remember that shedding some weight plays a key role in curing sleep apnea.

How to apply:

  •     Mix a teaspoon of raw honey with a cup of warm water and then sip it on a daily basis before the bedtime. 
  •     You can opt for adding a teaspoon of honey as well as peeper powder to a cup of warm water. Consume it daily before bed time. 
  •     If you want to lose weight, then consume a cup of warm water with honey and lemon juice before eating breakfast per day in every morning.

2. Chamomile

Another effective home remedy for sleep apnea is chamomile. This herb is loaded with some chemical properties that help relax your nerves and muscles, leading to sedation, then, enhancing your sleeping. Also, its package of anti-inflammatory content helps reduce the obstruction of your airway causing snoring.

Read More: Natural Ways That Will Help You to Sleep

How to apply:

  •     Mix about two teaspoons of chamomile with a glass of hot water
  •     Have it covered and allow it to steep for about 5 minutes
  •     Strain  before adding some honey and cinnamon powder
  •     Consume the tea one hour prior to bedtime

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon contains sedative effects which aid in promoting your sleep as well as dealing with breathing issues causing sleep apnea.

How to apply:

  •     Mix a teaspoon of ginger with a cinnamon stick in a glass of hot water
  •     Have it boiled in some minutes, strain and then insert some honey
  •     Consume the mixture daily before your bedtime
  •     Or, you can opt for adding cinnamon powder to a cup of hot water. Then, consume it once per day.
  •     Alternatively, you can combine the cinnamon powder with water to make a paste. Rub the mixture over your chest and forehand. Wait for some minutes before washing it off with water.
Before applying this treatment, consult your doctors first to maximize the result.

4. Garlic

Garlic is commonly mentioned in the lis of top natural treatments for sleep apnea, Because of its container of anti-inflammatory, it can help ease the inflammation in your respiratory system, then allowing you to breathe easily as you sleep. In addition, garlic helps reduce the enlarged tonsils and eliminate snoring.

How to apply:

  •     Consume up to three cloves of garlic with your empty stomach, combing with a cup of water. Perform the same process till your condition gets improved. 
  •    Alternatively, insert some garlics in your daily meal or take some garlic supplement right after you talk to your doctors.

5. Pepper mint

Pepper mint confers many health benefits, including treating sleep apnea. This herb can help get rid of airway blockages. The anti-inflammatory present in pepper mint can alleviate the inflammation, thereby promoting smooth and easy breathing. The mint can serve well to reduce snoring.

How to apply:

  •     Mix some drops of pepper mint oil with a cup of water
  •     Gargle your throat with it.
  •     Perform the same process daily
Also of the note, you had better consume several cups of peppermint tea on a daily basis. In order to make tea, you can combine a teaspoon of peppermint leaves with a glass of hot water. Have them covered and steeped for about 10 minutes. After straining, you can mix it with some honey. Sip it when the tea is warm.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Top Reasons to Add Green Tea to Your Healthy Diet

If you are among those people searching to see for yourself the healing benefits and potential of green tea for weight loss, you are in good company.

Top Reasons to Add Green Tea to Your Healthy Diet: WikiHealthBlog
Top Reasons to Add Green Tea to Your Healthy Diet: WikiHealthBlog
Here are some facts for you to digest.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has a high number of polyphenols and catechins, which are very good in fighting off diseases and illnesses. These components will work with your body to give you strength, make you fitter, and healthier.

Catechins are responsible for giving you a glow too.

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In many countries around the world, green tea is renowned for its amazing ability to protect people from dreaded diseases such as cancer, and cardiovascular disease.  The powerful antioxidants in green tea are well-known to be some of the strongest in the entire world!

Besides helping to regulate abnormal cell growth, and making sick or diseased people feel a whole lot better through its anti-inflammatory and free radical-fighting properties, the tea also contributes to safe weight loss.

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Green tea is a miraculous drink, which is why there should be no reason for you not to wake up with 1 or 2 glasses each morning!

As much as you love your coffee, all of us need to admit that the health benefits of drinking green tea are not worth passing up.

Some people may be doubtful of one drink being able to do so many positive things for the human body, but they are not just hype! They are true!

Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss

One way in which green tea is especially powerful for the body is by aiding you with your weight loss goals.

Green tea keeps you strong, keeps you healthy, and even helps you keep the extra pounds off!

Studies have shown that even when compared to caffeine supplementation alone, drinking green tea can add extra assistance to any weight loss efforts!

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One of the best ways to take advantage of this benefit is by drinking a couple cups of green tea before you head to your workout.

Green tea contains enough caffeine so it will stimulate your mind and body to have a better workout, along with naturally helping you to fight fat as well.  Drinking green tea before you head to a training session is a double-headed monster for weight loss!

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If you've made progress in a weight-loss program only to revert to your old habits and gain back all the pounds you've lost, clearly there's something wrong with your overall attempt.  One way to help you maintain weight loss after your initial efforts is to continue drinking green tea.

Not only does this help you lose weight during your workout, but also afterwards.  Green tea naturally works to suppress your appetite, control cortisol levels, and help you stay healthier!

Concluding Thoughts on Green Tea Benefits

Along with helping you achieve a greater amount of weight loss, there are a lot of studies that prove green tea extract will help you with your memory.

It has been proven that green tea could reduce memory loss, and works against the onset of Alzheimer's Disease!

Green tea truly is an amazing drink for your body.

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However, it is not the only tea you can incorporate in to your healthy lifestyle.

Yerba mate tea, oolong tea, and matcha tea are all unique teas which can be extremely helpful for your body.

Yerba, oolong, and matcha all contain more caffeine than green tea, and have different health benefits as well.

Regardless of which tea you choose to make your favorite, using them all together is an excellent way to make sure that you are improving your overall health!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Tips for Maintaining Healthy and Beautiful Hair

For a full head of healthy looking hair, it is necessary to combine a balanced and nutritious diet, with the right type of hair vitamins. This doesn’t mean running to the store and reaching for the first “hair and nails” vitamins though!

Tips for Maintaining Healthy and Beautiful Hair: WikiHealthBlog
Tips for Maintaining Healthy and Beautiful Hair: WikiHealthBlog
Making an effort to get the right amount, and right type of vitamins from your diet will assure the look that we all want for many years to come.

Any well balanced and healthy diet should include the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals daily.

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Vitamins are especially important for those suffering from hair loss, as vitamins and hair growth go hand in hand.  Vitamins for hair growth sometimes can dictate how effective other means of hair growth treatment will be.

Keratin and Your Hair

A distinct type of protein composes ninety-five percent of the epidermis, and is the major part of the hairs in individuals.

This protein is known as keratin.

The cells of the body generate keratin by packing chains of amino acids jointly, which is why any type of diet or vitamin for the hair should contain keratin and amino acids.  Often, you will see shampoo or hair treatments which contain keratin.

Keratin also is important for the straightness of your hair, which is why many products which are supposed to keep your hair straight all day contain keratin.

Tips for Keeping Your Hair Clean

If you want to have an excellent looking head of hair, you need to practice general cleanliness as well.  No number of vitamins or minerals will make-up for someone who is not keeping themselves clean.

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Use a gentle shampoo that consists of all-natural, non-harmful components to get the best results. Harmful substancespassthrough the skin's numerous levels, poisoning your cells and hair follicles.
It is important to think of your skin as an organ, such as your internal organs.  You surely don’t want to pour chemicals on your internal organs, and you don’t want on your external organs as well!
Your scalp is made up of millions of living cells. These cells need oxygen and nutrients, which are provided by regular and constant blood flow to the scalp.

Vitamins for hair loss, such as biotin and niacin, are transported by the blood to the scalp.

If you are using chemically laced shampoo, your scalp will not receive or absorb enough nutrients.
It is vital that you treat your hair with natural and organic products only.

Biotin for Your Hair

Biotin is one of the most well-known vitamins necessary for hair growth, which is why you will see loads of biotin in any hair, skin, or nails product.

However, biotin is much more readily absorbed when you obtain it through natural foods such as eggs, almonds, or whole grains.

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If you are eating a vegetarian or vegan diet, you will probably get loads of biotin in your diet regardless!

One of the main benefits of continuously eating a diet which is high in vitamins and minerals is you will never need to waste your money on expensive, and worthless supplements.
Natural foods beat supplements, every time.

Concluding Thoughts

There are many different techniques for treating your hair, but the absolute best way is to intake aa natural diet high in vitamins and minerals, and treating your hair with organic and chemical free products.

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If you want to learn more about how to treat your hair and skin so it maintains health and longevity all the time, I highly suggest you check out!

It is not extremely difficult to maintain your hair health, even as you get older.

People who drink copious amounts of alcohol or smoke cigarettes will have a much more challenging time, which is why living a healthy lifestyle overall is the best answer to any hair issues.

If you use these tips I promise that you will not have a tough time maintaining your hair!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Prenatal Screening Tests made Easier!

Noninvasive prenatal testing is performed on the cell-free fetal DNA in the maternal plasma to determine the risk of occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities. Clinical use of the analysis began in 2011. It has since been recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists as an effective screening option for women faced with the risk of having babies with chromosomal disorders.

Prenatal Screening Tests made Easier!  : WikiHealthBlog
Prenatal Screening Tests made Easier!  : WikiHealthBlog

Before the invention of NIPT, the methods used to conduct prenatal screening were scary and harmful to both the mother and child. Amniocentesis is a process which involves testing amniotic fluid which is obtained by driving a needle through the mother's tummy. CVS is another test which requires tissue samples from the part of the placenta which attaches to the uterine wall. Though these methods made it possible to detect many defects and diseases, it exposed the women to infections and other complications.

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In order for the results to be conclusive, the tests are performed on women who are nine weeks pregnant or older (earlier than other prenatal screening.) Any earlier might be a waste of time as the blood sample may not have enough cell-free DNA. Screening only indicates the possibility of the baby being born with a genetic disorder. This does not necessarily mean that the baby will or will not be born with the condition.

Prior to the procedure, you should receive information on the various options which are available for screening and the benefits and limitations of tests screening in the first and second trimester.

The NIPT procedure

You must have a referral from your gynecologist for you to receive a NIPT. As the name suggests, the procedure is non-invasive. A tube of blood is drawn from the mother's arm and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

A cfDNA extraction kit is used to isolate the cell-free DNA from the mother's plasma. The characteristics of the chromosomes are then observed and recorded; after which the results are sent to your gynecologist. The results are usually ready after a period of 10-14 days. Once the doctor receives them, he is likely to combine them with the results of the first-trimester ultrasound to determine whether more tests should be carried out.

If the results come back positive, the doctor may schedule other tests such as CVs or nuchal translucency screening to confirm the outcome. The advantage of this is that it may also expose other conditions which the NIPT cannot detect.

What does NIPT test?

The test is best known for detecting some of the most common chromosomal disorders. They include Down's syndrome (trisomy 21), Edward's syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13). Down's syndrome, the most common chromosomal disorder, is identified when each cell has an extra chromosome 21.

There are other tests which can be run on the cell-free DNA to pinpoint other less common abnormalities. An example is defects caused by mutations which are commonly referred to as microdeletions. An example of this is Angelman's syndrome. Non-invasive prenatal tests may also indicate increased chances of the baby being born with single-gene disorders caused by abnormalities in the bones or skeleton.

When the cell-free DNA is screened, it may also indicate the Rh blood type of the baby. This information is vital to ensure the safety of the fetus in the event a Rh negative mother has a Rh positive baby.

The NIPT results usually deliver a report on the baby's gender and can, therefore, reveal any abnormality with the sex chromosomes. For parents who would like the gender to be a surprise, the sex is simply left out of the report.

Why should I choose this screening option?

Unlike a diagnostic test which is accompanied with the risk of miscarriage, the NIPT does not put the mother or the baby at risk of developing any complications. It is also a straightforward and comfortable procedure which doesn't require the patients to be given anesthesia.

The test has an average accuracy of 99%. The low number of false-positives indicated by the screening reduces the chances of women going for an unnecessary diagnostic test. Research reveals that NIPTs are more accurate than other standard blood screenings performed during the first trimester.

Since the mother's blood is also extracted, the test may also be a screening tool for the expectant mother in the long run. Further research is, however, being conducted on this before the test can be put to use for this purpose.

Who is NIPT for?

The noninvasive prenatal test is suitable for all pregnant women. Nonetheless, there are those who are especially advised to have the test done. Mothers above the age of 35 are higher risks of giving birth to a child with chromosomal disorders. The same goes for women who have a history of the conditions in the family, or previously had a child affected by the condition. Women who are Rh negative should also take the test to determine the Rh status of their unborn baby.

Conversely, there prenatal cell-free DNA screening is less effective in people who are obese or carry more than one fetus, gestational carriers, and individuals who got pregnant through artificial insemination.

The cost of the test

It is important that you communicate with your insurance company before having the test done so as to avoid any inconvenience.

The cost depends on the brand of the test which is used. If the test is analyzed abroad, it can cost between $500 and $1000. It will be more expensive if an extra test is performed while screening for microdeletions, or if an ultrasound is done before the screening.

The only downside of this method of screening is that it does not test for neural tube defect and some other genetic disorders. Women who have risk factors which indicate high chances of the baby being affected by chromosomal disorders should have CVS or amniocentesis, regardless of the results of the non-invasive screening.

Despite being able to find out the possibility of a child being born with genetic disorders, nothing can be done to correct the abnormality. The results make it easier for the mother to decide what to do with the pregnancy and how to take care of the pregnancy, and the baby after its birth.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Massaging These Powerful Points on Your Feet can Change Your Life

Have you ever heard of legs, feet and hands having thousands of nerve endings in them? And can you use any of these endings to stimulate the whole body?

Foot reflexology is a method of alternative medicine that has been implemented since ancient times. Many people have tried this method and claim it is very effective and beneficial.

Massaging These Powerful Points on Your Feet can Change Your Life: WikiHealthBlog
Massaging These Powerful Points on Your Feet can Change Your Life: WikiHealthBlog
Rea more: So What's the Most Ideal Approach to Help Lose Weight?

The method is correlated to the ancient healing procedureby acupuncture and focuses on stimulating the body to achieve balance, relaxation and healing. Of course, it can’t cure everything, but reflexologists are saying that it is useful for some problems like increasing blood pressure, stress and sleeping disorder.


The area near the heel

Focusing on this zone stimulates the excretory system, which will be useful for the removal of toxins from our body.

The big toe

 Massage your big toe and regulate the appetite that will lead to weight loss along with proper exercises.

The base of the big toe

This point is related to the thyroid gland. It can relieve your stress or intensity. You can stimulate this point, even if you do not suffer from stress your body will relax.

The center of the thumb

This point is related to the pituitary gland, which is the main hormone of the gland. If you are experiencing hormonal imbalance, you should stimulate this point.

The center of the foot

There are many nerves that gather in this area of the foot. They are linked with the diaphragm. Stimulating this area will remove stress or tension from the body. There are many techniques and methods to massage your diaphragm in order to relieve stress.

The inner edges of the Feet

These areas of the feet are linked to the adrenal gland. If you stimulate these areas, you will increase your energy levels.

To achieve the best effects, you can massage your feet every day with best foot massager and concentrate on the areas that correspond with certain organs. You can ask a professional for a little help with the massage methods.

Exercises and massages against varicose veins

The blood carries the oxygen from the heart to the whole body through ducts called arteries. When the blood reaches the organs and tissues, it leaves the oxygen there and returns to the heart through other channels that we call veins.

The blood that has to return from the legs to the heart, must overcome the force of gravity. For this the veins have a mechanism to push the blood. When it fails, blood stagnates in the veins and the walls of the veins dilate, lose their shape and appear varicose veins.

These physical exercises and massages can prevent the onset of varicose veins.

Exercises against varicose veins

  •     Sit, separate and join the tips of the feet
  •     Sitting, gently swing your feet, from your toes to your heels
  •     Stand up on your toes several times
  •    Stand, walk on the end of the heels
  •     Lie down, make energetic pedaling movements with your legs elevated. 15 times
  •     Lying, with legs raised and extended, flex and extend alternately the toes. 20 times
  •     Lying, with legs raised and extended, rotate them in alternating rotating motion in both directions. 10 times.
  •     Lie down, with your legs extended, separate them and join them successively. 15 times.
  •     Massage: With the high leg gently rub upwards from the ankle to the thigh

Thursday, June 8, 2017

So What's the Most Ideal Approach to Help Lose Weight?

Well ideally at this point, you'll concur that a waist mentor isn't the appropriate response. You additionally realize that you can't target particular territories of the body to lose fat.

So What's the Most Ideal Approach to Help Lose Weight? : WIkiHealthBlog
So What's the Most Ideal Approach to Help Lose Weight? : WIkiHealthBlog
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You have to diminish general muscle to fat ratio ratios. The most ideal approach?

Here's a basic formula:

1) Follow a legitimate nourishing arrangement:

Follow a legitimate nourishing arrangement worked for your body and your objectives. Disregard the treat cutter eating regimen arrangements and one-estimate fits-all eating routine books. Discover a mentor who can enable you to decide your legitimate macro nutrient levels and build up a healthful arrangement altered to you.

Read More: How to Burn Unappealing Fat

2) Strength prepares. 

On the off chance that everything you're doing is cardio, you're not going to get the outcomes you need. You can do cardio 'til the sun doesn’t sparkle and you'll never get the fit, athletic look that the vast majority fancy on the off chance that you don't have any bulk. What's more, women, don't be reluctant to get the substantial weights!

Read More: Top Tips to Remember When You Want to Lose Weight

3) Be steady. 

Do the over two focuses reliably at the correct levels and you'll make progress. Be tolerant with yourself and stick to it! Again and again individuals flip slump done with their exercises and never see improvement. You're not going to change overnight, so stick to it and the outcomes will come.

Like most things in life, handy solutions once in a while work. On the off chance that they did everybody would stroll around seeming as though they fell off the front of a wellness magazine. Put in the work.

Like I frequently tell my instructing customers, you get out what you put in. Put in poop and that is precisely what you'll get. Put in the work and it will pay off.

Read More : Flush Fat with Water Detox

Have a companion who is considering getting a waist mentor (or, as of now has one)? Help them out and share this article with them.

In case you are either fat or continuing with a protruding tummy, by then you will love slimming belts. This article presents information on slimming belts and how to use them.

Slimming belts are essential vibrating belts that are worn around the belly region. Originators of these slimming belts ensure that the advancements of the belts expect part in empowering the muscles of the midriff zone and in this way realizing settling of the stomach muscles. They even say that these belts help to get more fit.

They say that by wearing these belts, it is possible to reduce the stomach volume and along these lines diminish the measure of sustenance confirmation. This will finally cut the weight. In any case, customers of these belts say that they have not lost any weight and they just started to look thin than before as a result of settling of the muscles.

Read More: How to lose Fat and Look Slim

This is a general outline. Presently we should perceive any reason why this belt is critical for midsection trimming.

There are distinctive sorts of slimming belts. Some slimming belts offer you the contrasting option to control the speed of trembling. Certain sorts of belts are to be used while working out. This kind of belt extends the level of sweat while sharpening the activities and as needs be aides in losing the wealth water substance of the body. Another sort of slimming belts are those with an essential limit of supporting the back. Nevertheless, they even adequately thin.

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No additional work to do!

In reality, even fledgling can use these waist trimming belts gracefully. Basically wear the belt in the pined for bit of the body, interface it to the power supply and switch on the catch. You can wear the slimming belt in domains, for instance, around the thighs, hips, midsection et cetera.

Directly, dependent upon your comfort change the level of speed of vibration. Slimming belts can be used for a day and period of around fifteen to thirty minutes. A couple belts went with a clock, giving you the other option to set the day and period of vibration. Belts with a clock quit vibrating after complete of the set day and age.

Read More: Weight loss By Drinking Water

Activities to do to help improve your shape and size!

You can finish certain activities, for instance, examining book, cooking, weaving or some other work until the belt does not speak to any unsettling impact to you. In any case, be careful in order to avoid contact with water as you may incorrectly touch the power string with wet hands.

Read More: How to Lose Weight with Green Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms

Getting more fit has many merits

Abdomen trimmers and sweat groups have a considerable measure of good choices which the clients can exploit for diminishing their size or getting on the solid prepare. On the off chance that you have observed this article to be convincing at that point get one for yourself no.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Lack of Exercise - Lazy lifestyle

The worsening of life habits of Western societies, the evolution of transportation systems and labor technology, the new modes of leisure ... all contribute to ensuring that everyone - children and adults - assume as valid clearly lazy behaviors and, for Both harmful to health.

Lack of Exercise - Lazy lifestyle : WikihealthBlog
Lack of Exercise - Lazy lifestyle : WikihealthBlog
Other people are reading : Key Facts can Reduce Injury from Chainsaws

Physical inactivity or lack of exercise is considered one of the major risk factors in the development of heart disease and even a direct relationship between sedentary lifestyle and cardiovascular mortality has been established. A sedentary person is at increased risk of arthrosclerosis, hypertension and respiratory diseases.

How to prevent physical inactivity

Like other factors, laziness/Physical inactivity is a modifiable risk factor, which means that adopting a lifestyle that includes the practice of physical exercise intervenes in improving the health of the lazy person and reduces their cardiovascular risk. In this sense, there is a fundamental aspect that is prevention in childhood.

Children today have worse habits of eating, exercise and leisure. Sports practice is often reduced to the hours they teach in schools while computer, video games and television become their main means of recreation. Educating the youngest on the need to have an active life, with moderate exercise and outdoor activities is the only method to help them become healthy adults.

Not forgetting, moreover, that this prevention would collaborate in improving the cholesterol and overweight figures of the smallest.


The Lazy lifestyle is only fought with physical activity may be with best treadmills. And, as we have repeated on numerous occasions, it is not a matter of becoming a competitive athlete. The key is to modify the lazy habits of life and leisure and to transform them in a way that increases our level of physical activity and sport. In the case of lazy adults who have not exercised for a long time, it is advisable to consult their doctor: it is dangerous for the health to do no sport or, in that situation, to embark on an exhaustive and excessive exercise of isolated form.

Relationship with other factors

Lazy lifestyle, in addition to causing significant damage to our cardiovascular system, contributes to accentuate the effects of other risk factors such as obesity, hypertension or cholesterol. A lazy person tends to be overweight for Physical inactivity, usually smokes and it is usual to have an unbalanced diet.

Read more: Why should we exercise regularly?

On the contrary, it has been shown that physical activity and exercise contribute both to weight maintenance and control of blood pressure and cholesterol.

Treadmill workouts

It's always nice to run outside, but there are numerous occasions when due to weather conditions as we find times this really complicated. Then we will introduce a workout for the treadmill to bring him to feel the same sensations as if he were running outdoor climbing mountains, crossing flat terrain, etc ..

This training is mainly based on a series of 40-minute planning which combine walking and running favoring his body in burning fat and gaining background. If during training feel it is too easy or difficult, you can play with speed, but above all keep in mind that your body must adapt gradually to the physical demands of each routine.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Key Facts can Reduce Injury from Chainsaws

Misuse of chainsaws also known as chainsaws can result in serious injury or death. Each year, emergency rooms of hospitals serve approximately 30,000 terrible injuries with chainsaw. The most common injuries with chainsaws occur in the left leg and on the back of his left hand. These lesions are generally related to an effect of kickback by chainsaw and loss of control of the saw chain. Details on accidents with chain saws and techniques for risk reduction can help you avoid becoming a statistic.

Key Facts can Reduce Injury from Chainsaws : WikiHealthBlog
Key Facts can Reduce Injury from Chainsaws : WikiHealthBlog
Other people are reading : 3 Steps To Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child

The effects of kickback or "kickback" occurs when the tip of the saw touches an object or when the wood closes in and jams the chain. The tip contact causes the chain saw back off immediately and push back and up (rotary motion). Clogging generates a straight movement back toward you (linear). In either case, you can lose control of the saw. To avoid kickback of the best chainsaws:

  •     Set the workplace so as to prevent accidental contact with other objects during cutting
  •     Use suitable cutting methods to prevent contact of the tip of the saw and chain jamming
  •     Use chainsaws equipped with an anti-kickback device installed at the tip of the chain
  •     Use a chain brake to stop the chain immediately if kickback occurs
  •     Use chains with regulators depth of cut and guards links that prevent the tip penetrates into the wood too
Read More : Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hiking

The chains can travel at speeds up to 60 miles /h, and 600 teeth per second passing through any given point ... is too fast for you to trust your reaction time to avoid injury. To control the saw properly:

  •     No "turn on" the mountains in the air or unsupported (“drop-start"), place it on the floor level and use both hands to set it up
  •     ALWAYS use both hands to hold the saw firmly
  •     Keep your right hand on the rear handle and pass your left hand on the handle on the front
  •    Hold the saw down and to the side to keep your body out of the cutting plane
  •     Clear the work area to eliminate tripping hazards, and spread your feet to work safely
  •     Do not cut above your head or from a ladder
  •     You do not rely on your reflexes to avoid injury with a chainsaw; Personal protective equipment is a protective armor between your body and teeth sharp and fast moving. Equip yourself you to use a chainsaw with the following:
  •     Avoid wearing loose clothing, jewelry, or hair loose near the moving chain
  •     Use a kickback safety guards i.e. safety helmet to protect against falling branches
  •     Use hearing protection as the noise of chainsaws can exceed 100 decibels
  •     Wear safety goggles and a protective mask to protect the eyes against chips and particles released into the air
  •     Use gloves with good gripping surface to help you control the saw
  •     Use chaps with Kevlar fibers that cover the entire leg and overlap on the ankle
  •     Wear boots with layers of Kevlar inside to stop the passage of the chain

Read the manufacturer's instructions chainsaw and make the most theoretical and practical training on the use of the chainsaw. Inspections and maintenance are essential, keep the mountains clean and in good working order. Sharpen your teeth and keep oiled the chain, with the proper tension to achieve better quality cuts and maximum safety.

Training, site preparation, safe working practices and the use of appropriate safety equipment can prevent injuries and deaths in using the chainsaw. You, the chainsaw operator can control these factors before each and every one of the cuts.

Monday, May 1, 2017

3 Steps To Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child

Do you want to raise a happy, strong and vigorous child and wondering how to do it? Don’t worry, we are here to help you out. Begin with these three steps to nurture emotional intelligence in your child.
3 Steps To Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child : Wiki Health Blog
3 Steps To Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child : Wiki Health Blog

Acknowledge your child’s perspective and empathize

One of the ways to enhance your emotional intelligence is to acknowledge the perspective of your child and empathize with it. You don't need to do something all the time because you cannot be there for your child all the time. So what can you do? You can empathize. You need to understand the fact just being understood helps a person let go of his troubling emotion. If your child is dejected, and seems out of proportion to the current situation, you should understand that sometimes, we all store emotions in our heart and vent them out only when we find a safe haven.

Read More : Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hiking

•    What empathizing really means?

Empathizing doesn't mean that you start agreeing with them. It simply means to see it from the perspective of your child too so that your child feels his position has been acknowledged. This encourages emotional intelligence as feeling understood triggers some of the soothing biochemicals, which will help him learn how to soothe himself when he gets older. So, acknowledge the perspective of your child, show empathy, and make him feel loved

Allow expression

One of the other ways through which you can nurture emotional intelligence in your child is by allowing expressions. You have to come to terms with the facts that your little kids cannot distinguish between their 'entities' and emotions. Both mean the same to them. So accept your child's emotions rather than minimizing or denying them as it won't work. When you deny a child's feelings, he/she gets an impression that his/her feelings are unacceptable or shameful. They won't ever be able to accept themselves later.

•    Proof by example

Instead of alleviating their emotions, understand them. Like you can utter words like,

'I understand that you are so mad at your brother because he broke your toy, but see, it is never okay to hit someone, no matter how mad you are. You can tell your brother in words about your feelings. I'm sure, he will understand.'

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Your acceptance will give confidence to your child to accept his or her own emotions.

Listen to your child’s feelings.

We all want to be heard. We all want someone to listen to us and then make a judgment about us. Same is the case with children. They also want to be heard and talked to. So, when they say something, listen to them very carefully, instead of rebuffing all what they are saying. When you will listen to them, they will start sharing their matters with you, and you will be able to counsel them better, where they required counseling. It will also prevent them from repressing their emotions, and they will grow up as strong individuals.

•    How should you do it?

Instead of interrogating them in a way that they get embarrassed, try to be their friend and utter statements like,

“You seem so sad right now. Is everything alright? I am here for you, if you want to vent your heart out.

Author Bio :

Allie  has had a remarkable career in education and writing roles in Fortune 500 corporations. Recently retired from a decade’s tenure at Assignment writing service.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hiking

Many fitness lovers know that jump rope, trampolining and hanging on the rock solid basketball goal systems (I mean playing basketball aggressively) are some fun ways to burn fat. However, today, I’m gonna show you another interesting way to maintain your fitness. Yes, it is Hiking. Hiking has some amazing health benefits that let you live a healthy and happy life.
Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hiking : Wiki Health Blog
Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hiking : Wiki Health Blog
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Hiking is not a high intensity interval workout, but it’s the recreational form of walking. Walking is usually performed in the urban areas and hiking is enjoyed in the countryside which is longer than walking. There are a lots of hiking trails in the United States. Some of those trails are short and a few of them are even longer than 1000 km. PCT or Pacific Crest Trail is such a long trail. Okay, now let’s see the health benefits of hiking.

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hiking:

From the recent study of the American Hiking Society, it has been proven that hiking is very effective to reduce the risk of colon cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, dying of coronary heart disease and it also helps to control weight. Here are the major benefits of hiking.

Hiking Increases Fitness:

What does fitness mean? To lose weight, to burn fat or to gain weight? I think, fitness refers to having a healthy and strong body and hiking is very effective to gain strength. Like to know how? Okay, hiking is a weight bearing activity which gradually increases your strength to handle more weight.

You have to carry a heavy weight bag on your back, you’ve to walk long ways and if the trail is in the mountain, then you’ve to step up the mountain. It has been proven that an hour of hiking can burn about to 500 calories or more depending on the level of difficulty of the trail and the weight of the pack on your back.

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Even, hiking is also more effective than running because hiking trails are softer than the concrete roads on which a lots of people run to burn their fat. Hard surface actually hampers our joints, but, softer surface helps our joints to get stronger. Moreover, if you go for the mountain trails, weight loss results will be even better. No unfit people can hike a long trail. So, if you like to achieve fitness, start your hiking on a short and easy trail which is only 2 - 3 miles long.

It Helps To Take Control of Your Workouts:

As you’ve already known that the difficulty level of the hiking trails is not same, so, you can easily chart your own course for your fitness. Slowly inclining scenic trails are easier than steep trails like Angels Landing, Utah. To achieve your dream fitness, you should set your own pace, maintain your own speed and choose the suitable distance which won’t be impossible for you to reach and complete. At first, select a 2-3 hours long trail, and then gradually choose the longer one. This way, regular hiking offers you to take full control of your workouts without listening to any bossy commands of the fitness trainers.

Hiking Helps Prevent And Control Diabetes:

You know, blood sugar causes diabetes. If you’re now free from diabetes, then regular hiking will save you from the diabolical diabetes. However, the good news is that hiking helps to control diabetes by lowering and maintaining the blood sugar level. Another amazing benefit of hiking is that this activity gives your muscles a moderate workout, which helps to move the glucose from your bloodstream to energy.

It Lowers The Blood Pressure and Cholesterol:

Trail hiking, weather short or long, on a daily basis or at least regular basis lessens blood pressure and cholesterol, which is very effective to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke for them who are even at high risk. Trails are usually somewhere steep and somewhere downhill and hiking downhill is very effective at maintaining blood pressure, blood sugar level and improving disease prevention ability.

It Fights off Disease:

Hiking also helps you to maintain your cardiovascular health. Regular hikers don’t need to practice high intensity cardio workouts. One of my friends, who is an oncologist, told me that hiking even accelerates the recovery of the cancer patients. A health column published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine shows that through hiking trips can improve the antioxidative capacity in the blood of the oncological survivors, which helps fight off a lots of diseases.

Hiking Reduces The Pain of Loneliness:

Hiking is very effective to diminish the painful feeling of loneliness as it’s one of the most enjoyable social activities. It is even suitable for the introverts. Hikers usually enjoy regular weekly meet-up, create plan to hit the new hiking trails, wish and inspire to hike longer. Being a member of a hiking community and regular interaction with the hikers encourage new hikers to engage with the fitness workouts as a lifestyle, rather than a pain of burning some fat, which of course inspires you more likely to stick with fitness for the long haul.

Hiking Increases Your Creativity To Lead a Healthy Life:

Trail hiking is a great outdoor activity and enjoying outdoor recreational activities increases our attention span and improves the creativity to solve real life problems by two times than the average jane. A group of researchers of the Graduate School of Education, Stanford University also found that “walking gets the creative juices flowing far more than sitting”.

It Improves Your Outlook:

Another awesome benefit of hiking is that it reduces the likelihood of the over analysis of the failure and negativity of life that some people, specially introvert people, do very often. Running on a treadmill is a great exercise to lose weight, but hiking through the nature is really better than treadmill running as it burns the fat as well as it offers to enjoy the beauty of the outdoor world and thus it improves your outlook to your life.

Unplug From The World:

Sometimes we feel bore of always being ‘switched-on’. Sometimes we wish to have a break from the chaos of the urban life and sometimes it becomes too important for us to have some refreshments to be energetic in executing our day to day job perfectly. Most of the times, we remain busy in staring at wide screens of our laptop and checking our phones. In other words, we always have to be plugged in to the network of the world. Hiking offers a break from the feeling of “stay connected” and always being ‘switched-on’.

Hiking Makes You Happier And Healthier:

Besides all the above benefits, the most amazing benefit of hiking is that it makes you happier and healthier. John Muir said that - “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” Hiking offers the opportunity to walk with the nature, it also creates an opportunity to have a look at the different human culture of the backcountry people, it inspires to lead a more active lifestyle. That is how hiking makes you happier than ever and also healthier.

These are the most amazing benefits of hiking. So, it seems to me that next time you hear someone tell you, “take a hike,” you won’t ignore them and from my experience, I can assure you that, hiking with a group is much more enjoyable than solo hiking. But, you may enjoy solo hiking if it is on a short trail. However, you shouldn’t miss hiking if there’s a trail near you.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

6 Ways to Beat the Depression Syndrome During Pregnancy

A large number of pregnant women develop depression syndrome. It’s extremely important that they take the right measures for beating the problem. If left untreated, depression syndrome during pregnancy can harm both the unborn baby and the expecting mother. Some of the worse consequences include difficulties at birth, premature birth, low birth weight of the baby, etc. What’s even more alarming is that untreated depression might lead to substance abuse harming the mother and her baby even more severely.
6 Ways to Beat the Depression Syndrome During Pregnancy : Wiki Health Blog
6 Ways to Beat the Depression Syndrome During Pregnancy : Wiki Health Blog
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Are you wondering whether it would be a good idea to take antidepressants to deal with pregnancy induced depression? If you are suffering from mild to moderate depression, your doctor would mostly likely ask you to beat the situation with some natural approaches. He or she would prescribe antidepressants only when you are experiencing moderate to severe depression symptoms or if the natural approaches adopted by you don’t show any result.

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The section below includes six of the most effective ways of dealing with and beating depression syndrome during pregnancy.

1. Accept and let others know that you are not well

This is the first and possibly the most important step in the process of overcoming pregnancy induced depression. If you are feeling sad, and seeing your emotional state deteriorating with every passing day, don’t try to hide how you are feeling. If you ignore depression and keep pretending that you are hale and hearty, the consequences can be serious both for you and the unborn baby. Begin by admitting your exact mental state to yourself and then share your feelings with your spouse, BFF or a close family member. Also, don’t forget to inform your doctor about the problem.

2. Undergo medical AOK

Inform your gynecologist about the depression symptoms you are experiencing; he or she would help you identify the exact cause of the problem and then treat it effectively. There are certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, anemia, hypoglycemia, and diabetes that can trigger depression symptoms. Undergoing a few simple blood tests will allow you to find out whether you have developed any of the above mentioned conditions. If you are diagnosed with any of the above mentioned health issues, undergoing appropriate treatment for the same might be enough for beating depression syndrome during pregnancy.

3. If required, pay for help

If talking to a near and dear one doesn’t seem enough to get rid of depression, seek help from an experienced psychological therapist. One therapy that’s known for helping expecting moms with depression is cognitive behavioral therapy. Undergoing this therapy would allow you to cope with depression more efficiently. You will be able to transform all the ineffective and harmful thinking patterns into successful skills to cope with challenging thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

4. Follow a healthy diet plan

Most women develop severe craving for dairy and gluten during pregnancy. Excessive consumption of dairy and gluten can be the cause of mood problems in pregnant women. Try to stay without diary and gluten for a couple of weeks (or if possible a month). If you see the depression symptoms improving, it’s confirmed that those food items were responsible for your mental health issues. In such situation, you should eliminate dairy and gluten from your regular diet. After going diary free, you must make sure that you are getting enough calcium from other food sources. To stay away from depression, also make sure that your pregnancy diet contains enough vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron. Last, but definitely not the least, take the best over the counter prenatal vitamin called folate. Folate, other than preventing your baby from developing neural tube defects, will also improve your response to different antidepressant medications.

5. Include exercise and yoga into your daily routine

A recent study has shown that half an hour of exercise every day helps in preventing depression and reducing depression symptoms during pregnancy. Another study, on the other hand, has shown that attending yoga classes during pregnancy is capable of reducing depression, increasing mindfulness, and improving the bond between the mother and her newborn.

6. Undergo bright light therapy

Expecting moms are typically recommended a daily dose of 10,000lx for 30 to 60 minutes per day (you will have to use a lightbox). If you find that the above mentioned dose is resulting in a hyper mood, undergo the therapy for 15 to 20 minutes. You can also alter the frequency of the therapy and use it on alternate days.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Blood Sugar Testing Tips For Diabetes Care

Blood sugar testing is a key aspect of diabetes care. The test helps you plan your treatment better and prevent long-term complications caused by the disease. In fact, you can buy glucometers and test your blood sugar at home. It’s a portable device designed to work as a glucose monitor so that people can check the level of sugar in the body or blood.   
Blood Sugar Testing Tips For Diabetes Care : Wiki Health Blog
Blood Sugar Testing Tips For Diabetes Care : Wiki Health Blog
Further, this device checks sugar level with a small drop of blood and hence, brings a great deal of ease and convenience to diabetes patients. The purpose of the device is to facilitate self-monitoring of blood glucose levels so that the task of diabetes management can gets easier. You do need to visit hospitals quite as often to know the sugar level in blood as you can measure this right at the home.

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Plus, a glucometer helps in gathering a lot of helpful information regarding your diabetes and lets you meet your treatment goals easily. You can easily monitor any ups and downs in the blood sugar levels and then plan the treatment accordingly. This is how you get to know whether the blood sugar level is high or low, and based on that, consult a specialist.    

When to test your blood sugar?

Many diabetes patients are not sure about when to test their blood sugar and face some inconvenience because of it. They should however know that without measuring their sugar levels, they won’t be able to achieve their treatment targets.

Let’s understand when to test your blood sugar level -

·       Your doctor will tell you how often to check the blood sugar level

·       This testing will depend on the type of diabetes and treatment plan

·       You need to test four to eight times a day if you suffer with type 1 diabetes

·       Type 1 patients need to test themselves before and after meals, snacks as well as exercise

·       You need to test yourself more frequently in case of illness, change of diet, medication or exercise schedule 

·       Two times a day testing is for those suffering from type 2 diabetes

·       If you take insulin, then also twice a day testing is often recommended

·       The testing will also depend on the amount of insulin one takes

Tips for blood sugar testing

So, you already have a blood sugar monitor and are now ready for the testing? You will have to take a small sample of blood, preferably from the fingertip (by using the taste strip) and check the readings. There are no predefined precautions only tips to take before doing the test.

Let’s look at some of these tips:     

·       Before taking the test, wash and dry your hands thoroughly

·       Now, insert a test strip into the device

·       The test kit will come with a needle and you have to prick the side of the fingertip with it

·       Massage the finger so that a drop of blood is produced for sampling

·       Now, take the edge of the test strip to the drop of the blood

·       Wait for a few seconds and let the meter show your blood glucose level

Monday, April 3, 2017

12 Processed Foods You Must Avoid to Stay Healthy

12 Processed Foods You Must Avoid to Stay Healthy : Wiki Health Blog
12 Processed Foods You Must Avoid to Stay Healthy : Wiki Health Blog
Other people are reading :  Natural Remedies for Endometriosis

 What Is Processed Food?

Before we start with our list of processed food that you should avoid as much as you can let us tell you first what processed food is. Processed food is a term that applies to any food which has been altered from its natural state. Most of the food that we buy is processed in some kind of manner for example cheese, canned vegetables, bread, milk, chips etc. Freezing, baking, pasteurizing products, canning and drying are all food processing techniques. But processed food is not always a bad choice.
Foods like milk need to be processed to make it safe by pasteurizing it and other foods need to be processed to make them suitable for consumption like getting oil from pressing seeds. Pre-chopped vegetables or fruit canned in its own juice are examples of convenient processed foods. But not all processed food is healthy or good for you. Processed food can also contain high amounts of salt, fat and sugar. Here is a list of processed food that you should avoid at any cost.

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1.    Bacon

Bacon is full of sodium and saturated fat. Sodium can lead to high blood pressure while saturated fat has been linked to obesity and heart disease. Store bought bacon is extremely bad for your health as it is loaded with preservatives which can cause problems beginning from headaches to cancer.

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2.Hotdogs And Other Processed Meats

Hot dogs and other highly processed meats are rich in salt, mono sodium glutamate, sodium nitrate and many other preservatives plus they contain artificial flavors, unhealthy fillers and mechanically separated poultry and meat. Many people have no idea that mechanically separated meat is highly processed under extreme pressure and heat and therefore any nutritional value that it had is lost in the process.

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For example the proteins in the meat become denatured under the extreme conditions. Other lunch meats such as bologna contain similar ingredients.  If you really want a hot dog buy the ones that are organic and nitrate free and do not contain any preservatives or artificial flavors.

1.    Chicken Nuggets

Chicken nuggets just like hot dogs are at the top of industrialized food. You may think that they are just proteins but in actual they are 50 percent fats and contain more carbohydrates than proteins. The carbohydrates present in them are unhealthy ones which are found in fillers and breading. Chicken nuggets are mostly deep fried and often in oils that contain trans fat. Trans fats cause deformation of cell membrane which contributes in developing metabolic diseases like type II diabetes. Most of the chicken nuggets also contain a lot of unhealthy additives like mono sodium glutamate and tertiary butyl hydroquinone.

2.    Granola Bars

Granola bar or cereal bar are stuffed with grains and come in packaging that features sunshine and mountains. But they are also containing loads of added sugars which digest very quickly and do not satisfy your hunger for long. Although they are marketed as a healthy product but they are far from having any good nutritional value. Their high quantity of simple carbohydrates and a list of ingredients that you cannot even pronounce make it a good enough reason to avoid them.

3.    Instant Ramen

College students mostly power through the finals week eating only ramen and drinking cheap coffee. Do not continue this habit after the senior year or better never starts with it at all and if you do have it still stop immediately. One packet of ramen contains almost 2000 mg of sodium which is 500mg more than the recommended daily intake. It boosts the blood pressure which can lead to stroke. In addition the other ingredients are mostly made up of simple carbohydrates. It also contains a lot of fat which makes it the unhealthiest meal there can be.

4.    Dried Fruits

Do you try to satisfy your sweet tooth with a handful of raisins or a few dried mango spears? Have you ever wondered why they are so satisfying? The reason is that they are high in calories and give you a high sugar punch. However they are a better option than candy as they have a good amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber in them. But be careful with the portion that you eat as a small portion is also high in sugar and calories and extra sugar means weight gain as the body stores it as fat.

5.    Flavored Nuts

Flavored nuts may seem to be good for you but they are absolutely not. Whether they are coated in toffee, have maple flavor or are dusted with wasabi these nuts are loaded with extra sugar and salt. This extra sugar and salt can cause weight gain, high blood pressure and diabetes. And as they are sweet and sticky that makes them not so good for your teeth either.

6.    Fruit Snacks

Fruit snacks are enemies of your teeth as well as your waistline. Their name is probably the most inaccurate name give to a food product as they are packed with cane sugar and fructose corn syrup and contain just a drop of the actual fruit ingredient. The sugar in them can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of diabetes. The sugar and gelatinous ingredients which stick to your teeth also provide ideal environment for bacteria in the mouth to make cavities.

7.    Margarine

Margarine was once considered the healthy alternative of butter. But in reality it is far from being anywhere near healthy. Margarine is packed with Trans fats that are the most unhealthy type of fat. Tran’s fats increases the bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol can lead to heart diseases and stroke. The link between Trans fatty acids and cancer is not clear but one institution which is Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests the cancer patients and cancer survivors to lower these fats in their dietary recommendations.

8.    Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn is not bad for you only if you go easy on salt and butter and microwaving food is also not bad. So why is microwave popcorn bad for you? The answer is in the bag. Perfluoroalkyls that are found in the microwave popcorn bag are just one class of the chemicals found in them. Perfluoroalkyls have been linked with health problems from kidney disease to poor quality of semen according to studies.

9.    Store Bought Cakes, Cookies, Muffins And Crackers

Health issues due to these products are similar. As we all know they have high levels of salt and sugar in them but most of them contain trans fats as well. Trans fats are used in them as they are cheaper than healthy fats, hence are more profitable and also because they prolong the shelf life and improve the texture of the product. As a matter of fact there are food science labs whose sole purpose is to figure out to use the trans fats and other industrial foods to get the perfect texture in these kinds of products. If you want to know whether the product has trans fats or not don't just read the label on the front. The manufacturers are actually allowed by the United States Food and Drug Administration to label their product as zero trans fat containing if each serving has less than 0.05gm of trans fat.

Therefore many manufacturers reduce the size of their serving to reach this number so that they can label their product zero trans fats, for example if the serving size is three cookies they will write one cookie to make it zero trans fat. If you want to know for sure if the product contains trans fats or not then read the ingredients if you find the words hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated in the list then the product contains trans fats.

10.    Ketchup

This favorite condiment is really bad news. A small dollop is not a problem, but slathering burgers and fries with it is a problem. The tomatoes used in making it are so diluted by sugars and salt that there is no natural value left in them. The calories in ketchup are mostly coming from the sugar so you may just sprinkle your fries with sugar.

11.    Soda Pop

Sodas have no nutrition only empty calories. But the worst part is that they contain substances that are actually harmful for you. Sugar is bad but high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as sweetener is worse.  HFCS can damage liver and cause blood glucose to spike worse than table sugar. In United States soda pop is the primary contributor to obesity. It is also a powerful acid producing substance and therefore causes the naturally alkaline pH of the body to become acidic. Cancer cells grow in acidic environment and cannot survive in alkaline environment. Acidic body is more susceptible to bacterial and viral attacks as the natural defenses of the immune system are weakened.

12.    Frozen Dinners

After take outs frozen dinners are the next best thing. You get a complete meal on a plate straight out of the microwave. But these dinners are mostly packed with fat, sugar and sodium. These can lead to weight gain and heart issues. They can raise your blood pressure and put you in the danger zone of getting a stroke. If you do need to buy them then opt for the organic meals with a list of ingredients that you can recognize.

Author Bio

Marry Jojo is a freelance writer and blogger . She believes in healthy living and lifestyle. She promotes healthy food consumption and helps others to know how to stop eating junk food.